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Nursing is a notoriously challenging, yet rewarding, field. 辛勤工作的护士每天都在做她们最喜欢的事情:照顾他人. This care encompasses more than clinical duties, although, of course, evidence-based physical care is a key component of the job. 然而,护士也是情感和精神治疗的来源.

While many levels of nursing exist within the medical field, most people picture RNs when they think of nurses. This versatile role encompasses several areas of care, such as assessing and observing patients, administering treatment, and educating patients on prevention and condition management.

Nursing at Geneva

Geneva College's nursing program 整合当代医学研究和实践与基督为中心的世界观-所有文科教育的背景下. In cooperation with the Community College of Beaver County, 这个独特的护理课程允许学生同时获得护理副学士学位和护理学学士学位.

What Is a 1-2-1 Program?

The nursing program involves a unique 1-2-1 format. 学生们在新濠天地app校区度过第一和第四年,在那里他们完成传统的课堂课程,并获得护理学学士学位的学分.

新濠天地app1-2-1护理课程的第二年和第三年,学生完成 clinicals 在附近的比弗县社区新濠天地app(CCBC)学习,同时继续住在新濠天地app校区. 他们在CCBC获得的学分将被授予护理副学士学位. By the time they complete the program, 学生将获得副学士学位和学士学位.

Program Outcomes

新濠天地app和CCBC的双重护理计划旨在培养知识, empathetic and service-oriented nurses. Upon graduation, nursing students should be able to:

  • Provide safe and competent care for their patients.
  • Uphold professional standards and ethics.
  • 将理论知识和研究实践转化为有效的循证护理.
  • 运用预防原则照顾个人和家庭 and communities.

Upon completing the ADN program at CCBC, 学生将为参加全国委员会执照考试的注册护士考试(NCLEX-RN)做好充分准备。. 2017年,CCBC的通过率达到96%,而全州的通过率仅为87%.

Career Outlook for BSN Graduates

This is a wonderful time to enter the health care field. 尖端研究有望解决无数曾经被认为无法治愈的医学问题. 护士站在这一努力的第一线,将研究转化为循证护理.

长期以来,护理一直被视为那些希望在医疗行业有稳定职业的人的首选 health care. 目前,注册护士具有特殊的就业潜力. The Bureau of Labor Statistics 强调了2016年至2026年期间就业前景增长15%. 专家认为,在此期间将有438,100个新工作岗位. Nurses don't simply enjoy low unemployment; most are paid well for their hard work. In 2017, RNs earned a median annual income of $70,000.

虽然没有学士学位也可以成为一名注册护士, 四年制文凭大大提高了就业能力和收入潜力. Equipped with their BSN, 护士要求更高的薪水,而且通常可以对自己工作的专业更挑剔.

Interested in living out your passion as a registered nurse? 那你就是新濠天地app和CCBC 1-2-1护理项目的最佳人选.

如果你想了解更多的职业,使你能够全心全意地为你的生活服务,或者想了解更多基于圣经的工作, Christ-centered education at Geneva, we’d love to chat with you. For more information on how Geneva College 可以帮助您实现您的教育目标,请致电855-979-5563或发邮件至web@yann-mathieux.com.

新濠天地app博客中表达的观点是其作者的观点,并不一定代表新濠天地app的观点或官方立场. 新濠天地app博客是教师和撰稿人表达观点的地方, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

Jul 19, 2018

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