Jonathan Watt View All Faculty
Faculty picture.

Degrees Received

  • Ph.D. 语言学,1995年,匹兹堡大学
  • M.A.,语言学,1987年,匹兹堡大学
  • M.Div.1982年,改革宗长老会神新濠天地app
  • B.S. 杂志新闻学(辅修德语),1978年,雪城大学

Courses Taught

  • Anthropology / Sociology & Adult Education
    • ant201 -文化人类学
    • MIN 224 - Multiculturalism & Globalism
    • 跨文化冲突
    • CMN 401 - Dynamics of Groups
    • CMN 430, 432, 434, 438 -研究方法
    • CMN 445 -成人学习理论与实践
    • HMT 411 - Humanities (Intro)
    • BBL 408 -基督教思想的基础
    • CMN 470 - Senior Seminar
    • CMN 403 -个人领导和发展
    • CMN 406 - Church in Community
    • CMN 404 -旧约事工原则
    • CMN 407 -新约的事工原则
    • BBL 409 -对话中的基督教(护教学)
    • CMN 409 -家庭事工原则
    • CMN 410 -宣教和事工的领导

  • Biblical Studies
    • bib112 -旧约介绍
    • bib113 -新约介绍
    • BIB 301 - OT Prophets: Daniel
    • BIB 303 - OT Poetry: Psalms
    • BIB 303 - OT: Pentateuch
    • BIB 308 - OT Wisdom Literature
    • BIB 312 - NT: Pauline Epistles
    • BIB 318 - NT: Book of Hebrews
    • BIB 312 - NT: Gospel of Matthew
    • BIB 314 - NT: Book of Romans
    • BIB 311 - NT: First Corinthians
    • BIB 314 - NT: Catholic Epistles
    • bib340 -遗嘱期
    • BIB 341 - Biblical Archaeology

  • English
    • ESL 430 - Advanced ESL Reading
    • ENG 101 - English Composition
    • ENG 113 - Research Writing
    • eng328 -英语语法/语言.
    • eng382 -英语语言史
    • ENG 491 - English Dialects
    • COM 101 -通讯原理
  • History
    • bib491 -早期教会经历
    • BIB 491 - Pat. & Med. Church History
    • bib491 -改革宗长老会历史
    • HUM 118, 119 - Humanities I & II

  • Languages
    • GRK 101, 102 -希腊化希腊语法I和II
    • grk201 -中级希腊文阅读
    • GRK 202 - Greek Exegesis
    • GRK 491 -七十士译本希腊阅读
    • GRK 493 - Adv. Greek Reading
    • GRK 491 -教父教会希腊语指导阅读

  • Linguistics
    • LIN 219 - Linguistics
    • LIN 220 - Applied Linguistics
    • LIN 491 - Sociolinguistics
    • 林491 -历史语言学
    • 林491 -语言和宗教
    • 林491 -世界语言
  • Religious Ministry Studies
    • MIN 491 - World of Islam
    • MIN 491 - Jihad vs. McWorld
    • MIN 491 - 20th Century Jewish Experience / Judaeo-Christian Heritage
    • MIN 225 - Missions and Culture
    • HUM 304 - Judaism & 现代中东的伊斯兰教
  • Theology & Ministry
    • min219 -世界基督教运动
    • 圣经时代的文化
    • MIN 491 - Liberation Theology
    • CMN 408 - Church and Mission
    • MIN 491 - Spiritual Formation
    • BBL 491 - Grief & Crisis Ministry
    • BBL 408 -信心的观点
  • Research Writing
    • MIN 491 - Research in Missions & Culture
    • 指导本科应用研究项目
    • IDM 491 -本科荣誉项目-各种主题



  • 2021

    "Familiar Story in Unfamiliar Words: William Dean's Chinese Study Bible and Five Generations of Chinese Australian Immigrants.这篇论文是与Francis G.H. Pang, 提交给翻译问题会议, literature and Publishing in Chinese Christianities at Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) - June 19-20, 2020 (postponed to 2021).

    语言学在圣经语言教学中的作用."受邀在宾汉姆学术研讨会上发表论文, 麦克马斯特神新濠天地app(汉密尔顿, ON), June 4-5, 2020 postponed to 2021.

    推进愿景的联合编辑和撰稿人:Essays in Honor of John H. "Jack" White Festschrift co-edited by J. M. Watt & Bruce R. Backensto (Fall City Press, 2019) Author of Chapter 15 - "The rise of Artisan English" (pp. 287-314).

    “宗教和神圣文学”的章节修订." Chapter 25 in教育语言学手册 (Blackwell, 2007),与Sarah L. Fairfield Wilson. 2nd edition (2021).

    Co-editor of forthcoming贝克圣经希腊语和语言学百科全书,也是六个条目的作者:“语义变化”," "Code-Switching," "Lexico-Grammatical Change," "Deixis," "Stephen H. Leinsohn," and "Ellipsis."

    《保罗的思想:教会与教会学.“即将出版的卷中的一章,The Pauline Mind. Stanley E. Porter and David I. Yoon, eds. New York: Routledge, 2021.

    布拉格和汉密尔顿有什么关系?“即将出版的卷中的一章, 《新濠天地app》的文学语言学分析The Enduring Legacy of Russion Formalism and the Prague Linguistic Circle. Stanley E. Porter, Zachary K. Dawson and Ryder A. Wishart, eds. 在:语言学圣经研究(LBS)系列. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2021.

    《新濠天地app》." Chapter in forthcoming《新濠天地app》.剑桥大学出版社,2022年.


  • 2020

    语言学在圣经语言教学中的作用."受邀在宾汉姆学术研讨会上发表论文, 麦克马斯特神新濠天地app(汉密尔顿, ON), June 4-5, 2020 postponed to 2021.

    Co-editor & Contributor:贝克圣经希腊语和语言学百科全书(Baker Books, 2021).

    Persuasion in Philemon- Co-Written with James Dvorak (publisher TBD) 2020-21.

    Hebrews. In: New Testament Discourse Analysis Commentary (NTDAC Series; Wipf & Stock, 2024).


  • 2019

    "IAKWBOU Contra Mundum:反语言与雅各书." Chapter in: James Dvorak & Zachary K. Dawson (eds.). The Epistle of James: Linguistic Exegesis of an Early Christian Letter. Wipf and Stock, 2019.

    Co-editor (with Stanley E. Porter and Jesus Pelaez),Linguistic Biblical StudiesSeries (scholarly monograhphs and edited collections in Greek and Linguistics - E. J. Brill).

    Co-editor (with Stanley E. 波特,克里斯托弗·兰德,达纳·哈里斯),贝克圣经希腊语和语言学百科全书 (publication expected 2021)

    Book project:腓利门的修辞方法(with James Dvorak).

    Editorial Board:Biblical & Ancient Greek Linguistics(BAGL);Dialogismos; Didaktikos - journals.

    研讨会主讲人:反复出现的话题包括“伊斯兰教:过去和现在”," "Time Management,“历史语言学/历时语义学。," and other topics by request.


  • 2018
    “我,牧师:警惕十字路口."Didaktikos -November 2018 Issues, p. 6.

  • 2017

    “Jewish Classical Education and the American Home Schooling Movement.” 2017. 上海(中文版)

    《新濠天地app》的格列高利.” In: Denecker, Tim, M. Lamberigts, G. Partoens, P. Swiggers, and T. Van Hal (eds.). 2017. 《早期基督教的语言与文化. Leuven: Peeters.

    IAKWBOU Contra Mundum:反语言与雅各书.” Chapter in:James Dvorak (ed.). Gems from ‘Straw’: 语言学批评与雅各书. Wipf and Stock, 2017.

    《相处:礼貌理论与福音.见:安德鲁·皮茨和克雷格·布隆伯格主编.). Festschrift for Stanley E. Porter. E.J. Brill, 2017.

    Exegetical/Critical 歌罗西书和腓利门书注释. 布里尔注释丛书.Stanley E. Porter and Andrew W. Pitts (General Editors). Leiden: E.J. Brill. Forthcoming.

    从亚当斯(1885)到齐默尔曼(2009):在, With and Under the Substance of Prepositions” 圣经和古希腊语言学 – Vol. 7 (2017).

    “文化认同与宗教语言”." Paper for Presentation to Wolrd Education Day Conference - Dalian, China (Sept. 27-29, 2017).


  • 2016

    “Jewish Classical Education” and “The American Home Schooling Movement.” Papers presented at graduate seminars - Nanjing Normal University, China – March 28 & 29, 2016.

    “Deep vs. Surface Culture: Language Ideology in the Ancient Near East and Jewish Antiquity.” Paper presented at graduate seminar – Xiamen University, China – March 30, 2016.

    《文化与语言的人类学模型》.” Paper presented at graduate seminar of Foreign Language Institute, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China – April 5, 2016.


  • 2015

    从亚当斯(1885)到齐默尔曼(2009):在, With and Under the Substance of Prepositions” Paper for presentation to the Biblical Greek and Linguistics Section of the Society ofBiblical Literature, Atlanta, GA – November.

    使徒行传21:27-40的生活语言环境.” 圣经和古希腊语言学4(2015):30-48.

    教父的语言共相概念.” Paper presented to the Perspectives on Language and Culture in Early Christianity. KU, Leuven, Belgium – Sept.10-12.


  • 2014

    “习语、糖果棒和‘工匠英语’正字法.” Paper presented to the 14thInternational Conference on Diversity in Organizations, at Vienna, Austria, July 2014

    使徒行传21:27-40的生活语言环境.” Paper presented to the Greek Language and Exegesis Section of the 福音神新濠天地app, San Diego, CA,November 2014.

    “The Principle of Universality in Sociolinguistics With Implications for Acts 22:2.” Paperpresented to the Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics Section at the Annual Meetingof the Society of Biblical Literature, San Diego, CA, November 2014.

    《反语言与雅各书.” Chapter in edited book on the Greek text of the Epistle of James and Persuasion Theory. James Dvorak (Co-editor). Forthcoming.


  • 2013

    Review of 《语言与宗教:人类心灵之旅威廉·唐斯著(剑桥,2011). In: Language and Society Vol.42(3): June 2013

    Exegetical/Critical 歌罗西书和腓利门书注释. 在布里尔注释丛书中. Stanley E. Porter and Andrew W. Pitts (General Editors).Leiden: E.J. Brill. Forthcoming.

    A Cross-Linguistic Study of Greek Diminutives – BAGL – Fall Issue


  • 2012

    “Missionaries and Language Maintenance and Language Shift: Language Policy, 社会力量还是历史偶然?” (with Christina B. Paulston) Paper for presentation to the 7th Annual Conference on Missionary Linguistics. Bremen, Germany, Feb.29-Mar.2.

    “房子里有小型样机吗?? Paper for presentation to the Biblical GreekLanguage and Linguistics Section of the Society of Biblical Literature, Chicago, IL,Nov.17-20.

    Internal book and manuscript reviews for Oxford University Pressand Wadsworth Cengage Learning.


  • 2011

    The Leader′s Bible – New Testament. Editor/translator for Synoptic Gospels, Acts and I, II Thessalonians. KJV / MEV 400周年纪念版.

    “The Community Diminutive.” Paper for presentation to the Biblical Greek Languages andLinguistics Section of the Society of Biblical Literature, Annual Meeting,San Francisco, Nov.19.

    《托普·奥莫尼伊》评述.), 语言与宗教社会学. Palgrave/MacMillan, 2010. In: Language Policy, Vol.11, Issue 2 (2012):205-207.


  • 2010

    “Language Policy and Religion.” Ch.18 in Spolsky, Bernard (Ed.). 剑桥语言政策手册. Cambridge University Press. (with Christina B. Paulston), 2012.

    “A History of Greek with Reference to the New Testament” and “Some Implications ofBilingualism for New Testament Exegesis.” Two chapters in: Stanley E. Porter &Andrew W. Pitts, Eds. 《新濠天地app》语言研究, Vol.1.Leiden: E.J. Brill. – Forthcoming

    《新濠天地app》.” Paper presented to the Biblical Greek Language andLinguistics Section of the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, Nov.20.


  • 2009

    “Hermeneutic Implications of Bilingualism with Reference to Matt.5:22.” Paper forpresentation to the Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics Section of the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Nov.21-24.

    “The Contribution of Bilingualism to an Understanding of the Nature of New Testament Greek with Implications for the Exegesis of Phil.2:6-11.” Paper for presentation to the New Testament and the Greek Language Section of the 福音神新濠天地app annual meeting, New Orleans, Nov.18-20.

    “Talking with the Dead: Linguistics and Pedagogy of Hellenistic Greek.” In: S.B. Porterand M.B. O′Donnell (Eds.). The Linguist as Pedagogue: Trends in the Teaching and Linguistics Analysis of the Greek New Testament. New Testament Monographs, 11. Sheffield Phoenix Press (2011).

    宗教作为跨文化话语的一个领域.” Ch.23在基斯林,斯科特,伊丽莎白兰格尔和克里斯蒂娜B. Paulston (Eds.). 布莱克威尔跨文化话语与交际手册. Blackwell Publishing (2012).


Awards & Distinctions

  • 2004-2005年新濠天地app新濠天地app优秀奖学金
  • Moderator of 174th Synod (2005) of Reformed Presbyterian Church

Affiliations, e.g.、专业组织的会员资格等.

  • Society of Biblical Literature
  • 福音神新濠天地app

Miscellaneous, e.g.,爱好,运动,个人信息

  • Born in Sydney, Australia; raised in England, United States, Australia and Hong Kong before permanently immigrating to United States in 1967 (citizenship granted in 1975). Enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking and camping; experienced in remodeling and refinishing furniture and refurbishing houses; like to spend time conversing with college students, including organizing and participating in variety of international travels.

Academic Distinctives

Dr. Jonathan Watt, 圣经研究教授兼圣经系主任, 最近被任命为 贝克圣经希腊语言和语言学百科全书该书定于2024年出版. 

Dr. Watt has taught Greek and Bible courses at Geneva College for over twenty years and is a widely respected scholar in the area of Greek linguistics.

Some of his most recent scholarly work includes “Thoughts of Paul: The Church and Ecclesiology” (a chapter in a book titled The Pauline Mind, edited by Stanley Porter and Zachary Dawson) and a scholarly paper co-presented in Canada with James Dvorak titled "When Clouds Rain Transcendence: Appraisal Theory and Hebrews 11.”

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